Friday, May 9, 2014

Amos Tarfa - Had the opportunity to meet Dr. Ben Carson

Hello Amos!

Yesterday 8th May 2014, Amos posts  on his facebook wall the beautiful experience of meeting Dr. Ben Carson. Awesome I thought!

Here's what he posted,

Had the opportunity to meet Dr. Ben Carson yesterday. I was reminded of the importance of giving even when you will not receive anything in return.

Amos Tarfa It was pretty cool meeting him in Minnesota. The name of the movie about him is "gifted hands." Here is one of the interesting things he said. Using smart phones and the internet, we can get answers to certain questions we have but if we do not equip ourselves by reading before people ask us those questions then our mind will be unable to process at a deeper level. Essentially that is what he was saying. He was encouraging people to set aside time daily to learn just because they want to learn not because of anything else. I gave him a copy of my book and showed him the section where I talked a little about him. I read his book THINK BIG around 2005 and so it was nice to finally meet him. We should also remember we all have our gifts and talents and we should find ways to use them. Dr. Carson has retired from the medical profession now

Here's what I liked that Dr. Ben Carson said to Amos, and I quote

Using smart phones and the internet, we can get answers to certain questions we have but if we do not equip ourselves by reading before people ask us those questions then our mind will be unable to process at a deeper level.

- Thanks Amos for sharing this beautiful experience

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